What casting directors will not tell you
Originally published on, Chic Models Well, maybe they did tell you, but like everything else, you didn’t read the information. So I will add my...
Surviving the audition!
Original article can be viewed at Chic Models True, the audition can be a daunting experience for many, and has been described as being akin...
Ithaca and Itasca, 7 distinct differences
They sound similar, they are spelt confusingly similar, and they both have you scratching your head and knitting your brows going ''What is that, a...
Murder mystery heightens in Indy
The detectives collect photographic and forensic evidence of the crime - Embassy Hotel Okay, you can put your monocle down, no one has actually been...
The tail of two cities: whose ass is on the (border) line?
Lawrenceburg is an erstwhile port city, seated on the bank of the Ohio River, at the caudal end of Indiana. If you were to look...
When pain becomes pleasurable
[caption id="attachment_1315" align="alignleft" width="575"] Jim demonstrates a face punch with Chet. Photo courtesy of Jim Dougherty[/caption] Studies suggest that the brain chemical dopamine, the chemical...
Playing the slots (not a typo) in Indy
Long roads, corn fields, nothing much to see...oh, maybe it's because it's early in the morning and I am not yet awake.....well, 'awake' in my...
48 hour film project: Companion Inc.
So here is the film we shot in Lafayette last week [embed]https://vimeo.com/135779607[/embed]
Lafayette: Stop for the gasoline, stay for the calzone!
Lafayette, Indiana is celebrating its victory in the first round of the America’s Best Communities competition, a $10 million initiative to stimulate economic revitalization in...