Shacking-up could affect both health, and credit!
Alone or not alone? That is the quintessential question for these stringent times of skyrocketing unemployment rates and soaring eviction notices. But before you make...
Travel Tips: A backpacker’s Handbook
Backpackers: What are the most important things/lessons you learned from traveling the world? Enna Morgan·Updated December 5 Former Faculty at Tsinghua University (清华大学) Originally Answered: What are the best...
What’s the difference between a hat, cap, and vizor?
Enna Morgan·June 27, 2019 Milliner/ hatter in Seattle for 13 years; studied in WA, NYC, Italy, and India Prior to the 20th century, before caps...
Is it true that a Caucasian person is paid twice the salary of an Asian person for teaching English in Vietnam?
My answer to Is it true that a Caucasian person is paid twice the salary of an Asian person for teaching English in… Answer by...
Is kissing cheating?
Is kissing cheating? Answer by Enna Morgan: Thanks for the A2A Sorry, it has taken me a long time to respond to this because I...
How do you deal with failure?
My answer to How do you deal with failure? Answer by Enna Morgan: I alter my perspective. ‘Failure’ is not real, it is merely a...
How do you escape controlling parents?
My answer to How do you escape controlling parrents? Answer by Enna Morgan: Thanks for the A2A. I will preface my answer by saying that...
Continuity Film: Neurosis
What will you do when your supervisor steals your ideas?
My answer to What will you do when your supervisor steals your ideas? Answer by Enna Morgan: Several options here. The succes will depend on...
1. BEGIN EACH DAY WITH A SWIFT KICK IN THE ASS! Complete your most difficult task first! It gets it out of the way, it...